Sunday 10 March 2024
Leader: Brandon Holman
Nine of us went on a cycle ride to Te Horo on a 57 km loop.
We set off from the school at 9:00am, joining the cycleway alongside the expressway with people joining enroute. We arrived at the Bus Stop café in Sims Road at about 10:15am, where we met up with Solly who travelled by car. It should be said at this point, that seven of the nine were on electric bikes (I was one who rode on a regular bike).

After a pleasant coffee sitting in the café garden, we remounted and headed along Te Horo Beach Road and over the expressway and then cycled a loop of School Road, Hautere Cross Road, Otaki Gorge Road and Old Hautere Road before rejoining the cycleway which runs alongside the expressway. Some folk peeled off to their homes on the way back, whilst four of us stopped for some lunch by the Waikanae River, before eventually getting back to the school about 1:40pm.
It should be noted that an all-electric bike group would be able to go a longer distance in the same trip time. This point is worth considering when planning future trips as more people own e-bikes.
Those on the trip were:
Brandon Holman, Bryan Wild, Graeme Richardson, Jenny Solomon, Julie James, Kate Livingston, Paula Richardson, Wayne James, Ian (from south island)

Currently there is no photo album for this trip.