Sunday 12 May 2024
Leader: Susan Robertson
Hemi Matenga is a terrific local walk as it combines a steep climb (if you walk from north to south) offering people a good aerobic workout, gorgeous native bush, some beautiful ancient trees and lovely views out over the Kapiti coast. Also, it can be completed in about half a day which leaves time for other commitments.

The trip was planned as a walk from north to south, for a change, and most importantly to ensure people could avoid too much knee strain by taking the gentle slope, rather than the steep one, for the downhill segment. (If only this option was available more often on our Tararua routes!)

After reaching the ridgeline we decided to split into two groups, with four people going ahead (led by our former chief guide) and four taking a more leisurely approach to the day.

The weather gods smiled on us, providing moderate temperatures, light wind and no rain. (Another contrast with many of our Tararua trips!)

This was a lovely morning’s walk in great company. Thanks to everyone who came along.
Those on the trip were:
Darrel Sutherland, Dave Cox, David Williams, Owen Cox, Susan Robertson, Jane Clarke, Gordon Balfour, Mel Cotterill
Currently there is no photo album for this trip.