17-18 February 2024
Leader: Owen Cox
Three of us did the easy trip into North Ohau in grey weather. We started with the hour walk in to the old Ohau Hut site.

We then followed Ohau River up to the forks and then the North Ohau up to the hut. We had lunch at the picnic table a few crossings up river.

The river is pretty broad and there is quite a bit of toetoe. The toetoe now has a scattering of pampas grass spreading in it. It will be a real thicket if the pampas is left to keep growing. The pampas ends before the fork between the North and South Ohau rivers. The paddle up the North Ohau didn’t get our shorts wet. We got to the hut mid afternoon and had the hut to ourselves.

On Sunday, we headed back down river. Down is faster than up, so we got out early, not long after mid day.

I dropped a note, with photos, to DoC about the pampas so it will be interesting to see if anything gets done.
Those on the trip were:
Marcia Goode, Owen Cox, Viv Roberts
Currently there is no photo album for this trip.