23-25 August 2024
Leader: David Williams
We all met at YHA National Park on Friday evening the 23 Aug. The following two days, we did three trips in total. A day walk to Tupapakurua Falls and back on Saturday the 24th, and two separate groups did Tongariro Crossing South Crater on Sunday the 25th.

Tupapakurua Falls Walk – 24 Aug – Led by David Williams: The weather was more favourable for the Tongariro Crossing on Sunday, and we'd searched for something to keep us busy on the Saturday. Kate had found a 4-5 hour walk to Tupapakurua Falls that we could do from our accommodation, and we agreed it looked suitable. Seven of us set off from the YHA National Park at 10am and headed down Fisher Road. After a few kilometres we entered the Erua Forest, and the start of the walk. It was lovely, pristine forest and the weather was holding, despite some rain forecast. The track was maintained by volunteers, and there were some nine stations along the way with buckets of fill used to cover up any patches of mud, and keep the track in good nick. Signs asked for users to carry buckets to the next station, and the majority of us moved a bucket as requested. JP took it on himself to carry two buckets!

After 30 minutes we came across a viewpoint for Mt Taranaki, but the cloud meant we saw nothing. Another hour saw us at the Tupapakurua Falls. It was a lovely spot - a hanging basin, and majestic falls. We had lunch there, and four of us decided to climb the steep track (this track is not maintained by DOC, do it at your own peril) to the base of the falls. It was steep but not difficult, and parts included a rope, and scaffolding plank over a decent drop off. It was well worth the trip however, and the bottom view was far more spectacular than the top one. There was a lot of power in the falls, and we got soaked. A fairly quick climb back up saw us back at the lunch stop. JP was waiting for us and we all caught up with Kate and Maryann further back along the track. I tried to convince others to carry buckets of fill backwards to the start, but no one was keen. We eventually made our way back out to Fisher Road and to the YHA, where Kylie was waiting for us, having a cuppa. We had enjoyed the day, and apart from a very light, odd shower the weather had held.

My thanks to Kate Livingston, Yingjun Shelton, Great Uncle Owen Cox, Maryann Bugg, JP and Glen Cattermole for their company.

Tongariro Crossing 25 Aug – Led by David Williams: Nine of us were scheduled for the crossing, but Yingjun, JP and Lucas had decided to head home on the Sunday, after a few days skiing, mostly because they were soft! We suspected the newly-wed JP was also eager to get home, and the 17+ video calls with Nisa on the Saturday, was a bit of a giveaway to be fair.

So, seven of us rose at 6am, and met at 7am to head off for the crossing. The YHA kindly agreed to store our bags, rather than leaving in our cars at the road end. We jumped into three cars and made our way to Mangatepopo Road end, where we dropped most of the crew, who were going to wait for us at the nearby hut. We drove the cars to the Ketetahi Road end, and the drivers jumped back into my car and headed back to the Mangatepopo end. We joined up again at the hut and set off together, re-grouping again at the loos just below Devil's Staircase. A short puff and pant uphill saw us at South Crater, where we all donned some warmer gear. South Crater had clearly seen some recent rain, as there was lots of ice that became quite slippery. We put on our crampons as we thought they'd be needed for the climb up to Red Crater. This turned out not to be the case, and half the group removed their crampons part way up, and the rest of us at the turn off to Mt Tongariro. There was little snow all the way down to Emerald Lakes, and Glen managed to drop a glove that blew away down the hillside. It felt like we were walking with Michael Jackson, until GUO lent him a second spare glove.
The Emerald Lakes were not frozen, albeit one of the smaller ones had a layer of ice over it. I had a bit of a skate, and was told if I fell in it would be my own fault, so didn’t want to push my luck. We had lunch at the lakes, surprised how warm it was despite the forecasted -7 wind chill. After lunch we headed across North Crater and the easy climb up to Blue Lake. There was a guided group doing the crossing and we were up there at the same time. We saw the most snow, albeit not a lot, as we sidled down the hill. Catherine attempted a snow angel, but kept sliding down the hill in several failed attempts.
We caught some heavyish rain for a while as we dropped to the old Ketetahi Hut site, but it eventually stopped as we descended into the forest.
We arrived back at the cars some eight and half hours after we set off, and we all agreed it had been a fun crossing - definitely the warmest one for me, and my feet had stayed warm the whole trip. Back to the YHA to change and a quick cuppa, before we departed for the long drive home.
My thanks to Great Uncle Owen Cox, Kylie Gilbert, Glen Cattermole and non-club members Casey, Catherine and Nic for their company.
Southern Crater – 25 Aug - Led by Kate: There were two of us heading up to South Crater as a there-and-back trip. Maryann and I set off after the Crossing group, parking at Mangatepopo road end around 9am. We visited the hut en route then kept up a steady pace up the valley until stopping for a break shortly before the Devil's Staircase ascent. By the time we reached the Southern Crater there was a bitter wind blowing, mist swirling and no views of Ngauruhoe, Ruapehu or the surrounding countryside - but the view across the crater was clear and great to see. Then we turned around and headed back down, stopping for lunch at the bottom of the Staircase where it was sheltered and warmer. After lunch it was just a brisk walk back to the car park, the last 20 minutes in the rain, and heading off home. Our thanks to David and June for organising the weekend. Crater Callers: Kate Livingston and Maryann Bugg
Those on the trip were:
David Williams, Glen Cattermole, John Peterson, Kate Livingston, Kylie Gilbert, Maryann Bugg, Owen Cox, Yingjun Shelton, Casey, Catherine, Nicolas
Currently there is no photo album for this trip.