Parawai Tramping Club

Roaring Stag Hut

21-22 September 2024

Leader: Kate Livingston

We started off as two groups – so have two scribes to tell our story.

Trip Report Photo 1
Roaring Stag Hut

First, from scribe Owen Cox: Three of us travelled over and went into Roaring Stag on Friday. We left in grey weather in the morning and met rain as we drove north. We had to detour to Ashhurst and the Saddle Road as the Pahiatua Track was closed. So our arrival at the Putara Roadend was later than planned. We briefly sheltered in the car while a hail storm passed over before tramping a damp slog into Roaring Stag Hut. We encountered a few small slips on the first section. We warmed the hut with a good fire.

Trip Report Photo 2
Firewood duties

Saturday was beautiful and fine. Glenda and Owen headed up to Cattle Ridge. Chris pulled a muscle in his leg near the hut on Friday so decided to give his leg a rest. After a photo stop by the bridge we plodded up the steep track to Cattle Ridge, arriving there just under 2 hours later. After a quick bite we carried on up to the ridge for views of Dundas Ridge and hut, and Chamberlain Creek. It was an unusual day as there was no wind. We then headed back down to Roaring Stag arriving at the hut just after lunch. We filled in the afternoon splitting wood and filling the wood shed.

Trip Report Photo 3

Second, as recounted by scribe Désirée: Kate and Gordon left at 8.00am on Saturday morning and picked up Désirée at Speldhurst, just before Levin. We had a good drive to Eketahuna (coffee stop) and started our walk at Putara Roadend at 10:30am. We tramp along the river for about an hour, crossing it twice over the hanging bridges. The weather was good. And then up the hill. Désirée’s pack was too heavy and not packed properly so halfway Kate suggested leaving some things behind in a rubbish bag behind a tree! All three of us put up a pin on our online maps where we left the rubbish bag. Up the tree roots we went and at the junction it said another two hours. From there it went downhill and the last bit was really steep to get to the hut which was situated at the river. Such an idyllic spot. We arrived at the hut about 4pm and were welcomed by Chris, Glenda and Owen, with the billy going on the fireplace. At sunset three young men arrived so we were nine in total. Kate had put up her new tent for the first time. After dinner we sat around the table in candlelight and did some puzzles and embroidering and talked a bit and 8pm most went off to sleep. No snoring so everyone woke up refreshed.

Trip Report Photo 4

Sunday From Owen: Owen and Gordon did a short side trip to the hidden lake on the way out. Just past the second creek from the hut, they went across to Ruapae Stream, followed this stream a short way and then walked across the terrace to the lake. After pottering about the outlet and lakeshore they then crossed Ruapae Stream and climbed to the track, catching the rest of us up on the drop into the Mangatainoka.

Trip Report Photo 5
Ready to leave Sunday morning

Report from Désirée: Up early, and at 8:15am we started on our way back, except for Gordon and Owen who went to The Hidden Lake first. The rain and wind came in early so the track was slippery and sloggy… and halfway down the hill we had to find the rubbish bag of course! That took a while but in the end it was Gordon who found it. Désirée repacked, though Chris took the sleeping mat, which was very kind! It was wet and windy as the last ones arrived at the carpark at1.45. Change of clothes and then we all met at the Eketahuna Café for a late lunch before heading home.

Those on the trip were:

Chris Keating, Glenda Robb, Gordon Balfour, Kate Livingston, Owen Cox, Désirée van Kalsbeek

Trip Report Photo 6
Hidden Lake, not far from Roaring Stag Hut
Trip Report Photo 7
Trip Report Photo 8
Rest stop on the way back

Currently there is no photo album for this trip.