Parawai Tramping Club

Papatahi Hut

1-3 November 2024

Leader: Glenda Robb

A three day trip into the Orongorongo Valley based at Papatahi Hut and providing options for day trips to Papatahi Peak, Mt Mathews or exploring the river and huts on the second day.

Trip Report Photo 1
Happy trampers on the Orongorongo track

Eight of us set off from the Catchpool carpark at 11.45 am on Friday, some detouring for coffee in Petone on the way. We had a pleasant walk on the Orongorongo track through some beautiful regenerating lowland forest with rewarewa flowers covering the ground in places. The Turere Lodge BBQ table and deck provided a good place to stop for lunch.

Trip Report Photo 2
Lovely lowland forest Orongorongo track

After lunch, two of the group chose to walk up the river while the rest took the Big Bend Track, detouring to visit Haurangi Hut on the way. The track then lead back to the river and we worked our way up the wide shingle fans crossing the river where necessary until reaching the large orange triangle marking the route to Papatahi Hut. A short steep climb followed, taking us up to the 10 bunk hut. We had pre-booked the hut months ago and had sole occupancy, which was nice. The hut was clean and tidy and provided a 2-burner gas stove, crockery, cutlery, pots and pans and a wood/coal stove which Owen was quick to get blazing.

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Papatahi hut

The final two in the party arrived about 7 pm, having had a fast walk in from the carpark and up the river after finishing work on Friday. They decided to pitch tents for a bit of peace and quiet overnight, and we all settled in for a relaxing evening of cooking, chat and discussion on the next day’s plans. Overnight we heard kiwi calling each other in the distance and ruru (morepork/whirlpool) closer to the hut. Not close enough to get out of bed though.

Trip Report Photo 4
Who needs the stove when you've got the fire going?

Saturday dawned cloudy but with a promising forecast. Most of us set off up-river toward the marked track to Papatahi Peak. There followed a very steep short sharp climb before the party split, with five continuing up to the peak and four deciding to return down river and up to the saddle of Mt Matthews.

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Papatahi Peak track showing the slip

Papatahi Peak was a steep 700 m climb, or in the case of some of us – a scramble involving grabbing any vegetation available – skirting a major slip, getting stunning views of wind-sheared hillsides and beautiful goblin forest. The wind rose as we climbed and we definitely needed wind-proofs and woolly hats to fend off the cold blasts. Eventually the track levelled off and soon after we emerged into a small clearing at the top.

Trip Report Photo 6
Goblin Forest

We found a reasonably sheltered spot near the top and tucked ourselves in for a well deserved lunch. Before long the wind chill got us going again and we made good time on the downhill sections although some of us (me) were a bit slow and cautious on the really steep sections.

Trip Report Photo 7
Lunch stop at the top

Back at the hut, it was time for hot drinks, lots of shared snacks and much telling of tales from the day’s activities. It was good to have had options and everyone had a good day choosing a walk to suit their fitness and inclination. It rained overnight that night but Sunday looked not too bad from our sheltered hut veranda. It was a different story at the bottom of the drop down to the river and we had to add layers of clothing to counter the strong southerly headwind.

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Orongorongo river crossing

It didn’t stop us taking diversions to visit other huts tucked away in the bush – thanks to the Wainuiomata boys DW and Smurf for locating some quaint and charming huts, others derelict and unloved and one with just a platform left. Jan’s hut though, looked inviting and as a 9-bunk bookable hut, could be a good option for a future trip.

Trip Report Photo 9
Interior of Jan's Hut

Returning to the river we soon reached Turere Bridge and scurried up the hill to another hidden private hut (Macs Hut) for a sheltered picnic spot for lunch. From there we returned on the Orongorongo Track, passing many families and groups walking in for the day. There was a quick stop to wind the handles on the bird call recordings, and a few minutes later we were back at the cars.

Those on the trip were:

Chris Keating, Darrel Sutherland, David Williams, Glenda Robb, Marian Cox, Maryann Bugg, Owen Cox, Paul Michl, Rob Dey, Robyn Wilson

Trip Report Photo 10
Beached fish on the river bank!