Sunday 24 November 2019
Leader: Dave Cox
This was a bracing walk - with a strong (at times gale force) northerly wind - along a much loved, familiar route. Fourteen walkers set off at about 9.30am from the Pukerua Bay railway station.
Along the trail we saw little shags and a pair of paradise ducks with their ducklings. Our trip leader (Dave Cox) wisely chose a bank we could crouch behind out of the wind as a lunch stop. The wind was at our backs for most of the walk, except when the wind hit us full frontal (a tunnel effect, through the hills) - sunhats blew off - on the final leg towards Plimmerton. We arrived after about 4 hours and then faced the major decision of the day: which cafe for afternoon coffee and cake? Cafe Orange coped extremely well with our large, somewhat disheveled group. A great way to finish a neat day out.
Those on the trip were:
Dave Cox, Susan Robertson, Owen Cox, Marian Cox, Lisa Caul, Graeme Richardson, Chris Keating, Neville Grubner, Elisabeth Hynes, Eddie Dickson, Darrel Sutherland, John Glover