27-28 July 2019
Leader: Tony Quayle
This is another route we’d contemplated in the past, and finally got around to doing. Saturday was a straightforward day, with brunch in Dannevirke before heading up the hill to Sunrise.
Despite there being a number of vehicles in the carpark, and a large party heading off just as we arrived, we all managed to score bunks at the hut.

With plenty of time to spare we climbed up onto the knoll behind the hut for a preview of the scree route into the North Waipawa. In the misty conditions it looked positively evil, leading to a bit of Googling other party’s experiences. The first internet hit brought up a trip where one of the group had to be helicoptered out with a broken ankle. Not very encouraging. However, another group reported a straightforward and enjoyable walk. Much better.
The next bit of prophecy came in the form of the crossword clue “a series of small waterfalls”. The answer – cascade, an apt description of what we would encounter.

On Sunday morning we split into two groups. After a wander to Armstrong Saddle, Elisabeth led Helen, John and Pam down the track to Waipawa Forks, while the rest of us continued south past the Top Maropea turnoff into the saddle north of Te Atuaoparapara.
A few minutes steep descent through tussock and patches of leatherwood led us onto one of the most delightful screes around and a quick, easy descent into the creek. The route downstream was enjoyable, with just enough spice to prevent it becoming boring. Each of the little waterfalls that made up the cascades was easily by-passed and we soon reached the main river and met up with the rest of our group at Waipawa Forks Hut for lunch. From here it was a pleasant wander downstream and a short road walk to the carpark.
Those on the trip were:
Tony Quayle, Elisabeth Hynes, Neville Grubner, Helen Baber, John Glover, Pam Glover, June, Kate Livingston, Owen Cox, Peter Davis